Woman slipping an ErgoPad Lifestyle into her office flats to get good foot support

It seems that there’s a shoe and insole for everything, from flat arches to painful heels to more cushioning for basketball. But there's a good reason for that. The feet are the foundation of our bodies, so even seemingly minor issues can lead to pain and injury. So, without further ado, here’s our breakdown of why good foot support is so important and the kind best suited to your needs. 

Good foot support will keep everything aligned 

As we mentioned, our feet are the foundation of our bodies. They affect posture, gait, and overall stability. And while the feet are sturdy and can put up with a lot, long periods of standing and walking in high heels or even just flat, unsupportive shoes can lead to alignment issues and even pain.

Now, fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’ll need to start wearing sneakers to formal events. Instead, you can: 

  • Reduce the time you spend in heels 
  • Try to shift your weight from foot to foot and take breaks during long hours of standing or sitting. 
  • Get a pair of insoles for your flat shoes or boots. Don’t worry. Unless you have a specific medical condition, you won’t need custom ones. Our ErgoPad Weightflex 2 will cushion and stabilise your feet and are perfect for everyday wear. 

It can help you avoid injury 

As good foot support helps stabilise your feet and overall body, you’ll be less prone to stumbling. And as it will support your steps, you’ll be less likely to overstrain your muscles, tendons, and ligaments because they’ll have an easier time keeping your joints aligned and moving properly. 

Good foot support is especially crucial in sports. If you’re a runner, for example, the pressure on your foot as it hits the ground is higher than when walking, and how your foot rolls affects how that pressure is distributed. If your foot rolls incorrectly due to insufficient arch support, you risk repetitive stress injuries like tendonitis and plantar fasciitis. And if your foot is absorbing too much shock because your sneakers’ soles have worn down, you risk heel spurs.

That’s why you need running shoes, not just regular sneakers. It’s also why you should use sports insoles like our Run Performance Insoles. They’ll give you extra padding in the heel and support (and even improve) the roll of your foot thanks to our patented Weightflex technology.

Learn more: Foot pain while running? Treatment tips 


Good foot support can also help improve your performance

Wide shot of a man playing basketball. He is in the middle of making a shot, jumping up with the ball just about to leave his hands. He is wearing sneakers to achieve good foot support while he plays

Along with helping you avoid sports injuries, the stability, support, and cushioning provided by quality shoes and sports insoles can also improve your performance. You’ll have better balance, less painful landings, reduced muscle fatigue, and be able to change directions faster whether you’re out of the field or on the court.


It plays a role in pain relief 

And it does so in a few areas of your body. For one, specialised supports target specific conditions and injuries to help relieve pain. Our ViscoSpot, for example, helps relieve even acute heel pain. It does so through cushioning and carefully guiding the heel, helping reduce strain and shock. (Of course, speak to your doctor to assess your condition and get their recommendation first). 

For two, it can help reduce knee pain. If you’ve ever had a minor knee injury, you’ve probably felt the difference walking in sneakers makes versus walking in flat shoes. That’s because the placement of your foot affects how your knee tracks and how much work your muscles and ligaments put into keeping you stable. 

And for three, good foot support can even alleviate back pain. Poor alignment leads to poor gait, which negatively affects the stability of your hips and spine, translating into stressed joints and muscles. 


Beyond foot support 

So, as we’ve established, good foot support is crucial for your feet. But there are still some other steps you can take to ensure they’re healthy, happy, and won’t cause a domino effect of soreness.  

  1. Get shoes that are the right size for you. It might seem like a no-brainer, but many people pick style over comfort, leading to pinching, pain, and even bunions. 
  2. Swap out your running shoes. The current recommendation is to get a new pair every 500-800 kilometres you run.  
  3. Elevate your feet, especially if you’ve been on your feet for a long time. It will help reduce swelling and help improve circulation in that area. You can also check out some of our compression and recovery socks to help in that regard.
  4. Try some stretching and strengthening exercises. When you're sitting, point, curl, splay, and raise your toes. And over the summer, walk barefoot in the sand, as sand provides more of a workout for your feet and calves than walking on grass or flat surfaces.  

    To sum up 

    Wide shot of a woman strolling along a beach, a good activity to strengthen the feet

    For less pain, fewer injuries, and better overall alignment, you need good foot support. Fortunately, a good pair of shoes and insoles can go a long way. And coupling them with a few lifestyle changes can help them go further. 

    See our full range of foot supports: Foot Braces Australia | Best Foot Supports 


    If you require assistance selecting the right product for your needs or wearing the brace, call us on 1300 668 466 or contact us via live chat.

    Do you have private health? Most private health extras will cover Bauerfeind Products, check to see if yours is included. Bauerfeind Private Health Insurance Inquiry.   


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